We carry out social action initiatives, mainly with people related to the primary and secondary school community. We also pay special attention to areas related to employment, entrepreneurship and help to families during the pandemic. We work in Advocacy and Education for an active Global Citizenship capable of having a critical attitude of their environment and reality.
people participate in development and global citizenship education actions and activities.
children and adolescents receive quality early childhood and primary education.
young people obtain a stable form of income.
Europe ended 2023 as yet another episode in the series of struggles faced by young people in this world of uncertainty caused by precariousness. For most of them it is already stretching too far in time. As if being young never ends, or it does, but only for the good. Too much effort on a tightrope for young people who continue to balance between the passage of time, frustrated expectations and reality.
Because despite the improvements, the unemployment and precariousness data are insistent. The unemployment rate of the population aged 16 to 29 is almost double that of the population aged 16 to 64, which is not good either. But let us also dare to ask uncomfortable questions: what kind of jobs are we talking about, are there really jobs for everyone, are they in line with expectations and efforts, do they allow access to a full and dignified life, emancipation, leisure, how will the green and digital bet have an impact?
Unfortunately, we do not have positive answers and the reality is even more complex than the numbers. Young people have become experts in living in an uncertain tightrope walk, balancing on tense ropes that allow (or rather prevent) them from developing their future and potential. The study on precariousness “Transitions in disadvantage” has allowed us to know that only 23% of young people have a job that they consider “satisfactory”, understanding this word only as part of a successful transition from their studies, or simply that allows them to meet their basic needs without living in precariousness.
Their situations, although diverse and with great heterogeneity, have shared structural causes: inequality, education, sexual division of labor, precariousness and unattainable basic goods. And in cases such as housing, a basic need for the vital development of a person who is beginning to become an adult, it is an impossible step. Our young people cannot emancipate themselves on average until they are 30.3 years old, and according to prospective studies this situation will worsen if something else is not done.That is why Ayuda en Acción will continue to promote job training for young people through our programs that seek to promote the educational continuity and employability of young vocational training students, especially those who are at risk and socially vulnerable.
A model based on successful transitions avoiding school failure and early school leaving, favoring the completion of compulsory schooling, motivating educational continuity and strengthening the ability to access the labor market and contributing to the life project. We promote social inclusion through education and employment/entrepreneurship because both dimensions are part of the system on which citizenship rights are exercised and the access of the most disadvantaged groups to opportunities for upward social mobility.
At Ayuda en Acción we focus our actions in two areas:
On the one hand, we work on the transition from the Primary to the Secondary school stage focusing our intervention on the first of them to strengthen the school transition at critical ages, which will contribute to prevent early school leaving.
We promote an inclusive educational system that takes into account the needs and abilities of students, eliminates discrimination and encourages participation. Young people attending highly complex public schools with a high rate of school segregation and absenteeism. Most of them are migrant population, ethnic minorities or students with learning difficulties or with specific educational support needs.
On the other hand, we work in Vocational Training institutes implementing guidance, training and accompaniment projects for the last years of Compulsory Secondary Education and Vocational Training to ensure the completion of studies and educational continuity, strengthening the transition to work.
Guiding and motivating young participants to discover their vocation, skills and thus strengthen their life project. In this way, we will promote the training and employability of young people through professional support and providing tools to help them achieve it. Our work is to accompany young people through a complete path of orientation and insertion for education, training and employment.
From our model based on successful transitions, in Spain in 2023 we have offered tools for young people to complete their studies, enter the labor market and improve their chances of launching autonomous life projects. Thus, we have strengthened our strategic alliances and have continued our commitment to a more inclusive, equitable and quality education.
During 2023 in Portugal, we made significant progress in fulfilling our mission to address the pressing needs of the community, focusing our efforts on education and employment programs with special attention to the most vulnerable youth and women.