
Our projects in Europe

We carry out social action initiatives, mainly with people related to the primary and secondary school community. We also pay special attention to areas related to employment, entrepreneurship and help to families during the pandemic. We work in Advocacy and Education for an active Global Citizenship capable of having a critical attitude of their environment and reality.


Europe ended 2023 as yet another episode in the series of struggles faced by young people in this world of uncertainty caused by precariousness.

What we do

Our work is to accompany young people through a complete path of orientation and insertion for education, training and employment.


In the last year we have managed to exceed our goals. Scroll down to see our achievements.

Countries where we operate


From our model based on successful transitions, in Spain in 2023 we have offered tools for young people to complete their studies, enter the labor market and improve their chances of launching autonomous life projects. Thus, we have strengthened our strategic alliances and have continued our commitment to a more inclusive, equitable and quality education.


During 2023 in Portugal, we made significant progress in fulfilling our mission to address the pressing needs of the community, focusing our efforts on education and employment programs with special attention to the most vulnerable youth and women.

Lines of work in Europe