
Sustainability: an opportunity to address climate change

The climate crisis demands an urgent response

The climate crisis, an unprecedented challenge, is transforming the world in an alarming way and hitting the most vulnerable people the hardest. 

Millions of children and families are suffering the devastating consequences of climate change: natural disasters that destroy everything in their path, lack of drinking water systems, droughts that wipe out crops, diseases caused by drinking water contaminated with fecal waste… 

The climate crisis calls for urgent and decisive responses to help save the lives of thousands of people.

The work of Ayuda en Acción

We meet basic needs with food and shelter in the face of natural disasters.

We promote a green economy and sustainable energy models.

We build and rehabilitate drinking water systems.

We help communities adapt to climate change.

They tell it first hand

“Cyclone Kenneth flooded our community, we saw how we lost our plantations and our homes. We left everything and moved to a camp where Ayuda en Acción gave us what we needed to survive”.

Daudo Jonas, Mozambique

“Since Ayuda en Acción helped us bring water to the community thanks to solar energy, diseases that seriously affected our children have been prevented.”

Pedro Wilban, president of the communal council (Mistruk Community)

“It is hard to know that there are still minors dying of hunger. It sounds harsh, but it is a reality that I have encountered in Guatemala. Children are the most vulnerable... It has been hard, very hard... This year, moreover, the bad weather has taken away the harvest and the situation is catastrophic. One more example of how the effects of climate change impact on many people".

Toñi Moreno, TV Presenter and Ayuda en Acción ambassador

Join the fight against climate change and save thousands of lives