Studies, research and reports
Youth and unwanted loneliness in Spain
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Unwanted loneliness has sneaked into the lives of young people in Spain. It is a shadow problem that affects one in four young people. To tackle it, it is essential to understand its roots. This report establishes a clear link between unwanted loneliness in young people and key elements in our society such as education, employment, social inclusion and health. Faced with this serious problem that affects so many young people, it is extremely important to prevent, detect and act. The research, carried out by the State Observatory of Loneliness and promoted by Ayuda en Acción and Fundación ONCE, reveals the importance of accompanying young people at key moments in their lives, creating opportunities for those in difficult situations and addressing problems related to mental health and bullying. It also points out the need to promote the development of personal and professional skills to strengthen their confidence and communication.