The social inclusion of Latin American youth, like that of much of the global South, is at stake in the coming years, and with it, the poverty rates, inequality and even social stability in large area...
Ayuda en Acción presentó su último estudio “Transiciones educativas y laborales de jóvenes procedentes de contextos socioeconómicos vulnerables” en una jornada centrada en los desafíos de la juventud ...
Impulsa Empleo Joven is a project of Ayuda en Acción framed within the actions co-financed by the European Union through the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy that starts as an instrument to fight ...
Xian, Nuria, Seydou and Sabela are the four young protagonists of Zeta, the new documentary by Ayuda en Acción that has been released at Golem cinemas in Madrid. With different stories, they share the...
Some 25.5% of Spanish youth between the ages of 16 and 29 claim to have felt unwanted loneliness and 69% of young people have felt lonely at some point in their lives. This is confirmed by the first r...
The year 2023 ends as one more episode in the series of struggles faced by young people in this world of uncertainty caused by precariousness. For most of them, time is already stretched too far. As i...